Addon in the emulator

Issue #803 closed
Buggyz created an issue


Maybe you can add this standard in the emulator? Its very smart. see the picture.

  • Message when a user vote on the room, who have voted and how many votes there are; '(username) have voted on the room. There are (countvotes) votes right now on this room.

  • Message when you get respect and how much respect you have; 'You got respect from (username). You have (count) respects right now.

Maybe.. - Message for staffs when a staff used any command in a bubble "(staffusername) used the command :ha.

See the picture :

Comments (6)

  1. Buggyz reporter


    That plugin is for: This plugin has bubbles for: Receiving pixels Receiving credits Buying furniture. Buying limited furniture.

    Not for respectpointer, votepointer etc

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