Please you need to change the ball !

Issue #805 invalid
Tomas Kennedy created an issue

** Hi, Wesley, how's it going? Well me and my community of football players are looking for a hotel to play!

A friend of mine (Tyson) told me that you coded all your emulator and you are an expert in java!

Then we thought of the community if you can change the ball the moves etc.

We have some videos of how the ball is and we can also show you how she is in a hotel on for example.

I sent a request to your skype, my name is Tomas!

I can send the videos from skype or find me at my name is tomas2k, or else in same name and my facebook: Tomas Kennedy the picture is of Messi and Ronaldo

We are more than 50 people looking for our ball that was extinguished a few months ago. Can you help us? **

Video of ball :

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