Disconnect problem

Issue #806 closed
Buggyz created an issue


i have this all the time and its very annoying. When you have slow connection or your connection from your internet is very very slow you will be disconnect. I have all the time disconnect when my internet is slow. When i play on an another hotel and i have slow connection my client will be crash, everything is still. When my internet connection is better it will be un crash and i can play further but by arcturus emulator i will be disconnected, its very annoying please fix this. I have test this: I have open 3 hotels and when my internet is slowly i disconnected only by the hotel with arrcturus emulator!

Comments (3)

  1. Buggyz reporter


    BIj andere hotels loop ik dan vast, maar ik val zker niet uit bij arcturus val loop je vast en val je direct uit en moet je helemaal ipnieuw inloggen......

  2. Wesley repo owner

    Is to prevent half open TCP sockets using up a lot of bandwidth. This is potentially exploitable on other hotels.

    Dit is om te voorkomen dat half open TCP verbindingen geheugen in beslag nemen en mogelijk niet goed gesloten worden als de verbinding toch definitef wegvalt. Bij andere emulators kan dit mistbruikt worden om een hotel te laten crashen.

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