Change Permissions dont Work

Issue #812 resolved
iPrinz96 created an issue

Hello. If i will Change Perrmissions for User with Rang 1, than it´s dont work.

For example:

cmd_coords form 1 to 0 or cmd_commands from 1 to 0

Than i safe it and tipe in the Chat: Update_permissions

But if i check it with an another Account, than it´s dont work..

Comments (11)

  1. Oliver

    If I understood correctly;

    Update_permissions works fine.

    UPDATE permissions SET cmd_update_permissions = '1' WHERE id >= '6';

    If you want coords to be available to everyone, then:

    UPDATE permissions SET cmd_coords = '1';
  2. Kasper Bjerby

    What command is it you are trying to change the permission for? And what rank? And are you sure the user you are testing on does have that rank?

  3. iPrinz96 reporter


    See issue.. : Update_permissions

    And see Pic´s i have Change it in the DB.

    I have creat a new Account to test it. That u can see too in this pic´s.

  4. Wesley repo owner

    So what happens when you type :coords ? Because you're not saying that either...
    Also did you test it with different permissions?

  5. iPrinz96 reporter

    I have test it with all Standard commands. About, coords, commands, diagonal and reload_room

    All dont work. But if i add a new command, as sample: credits userxyz 1000

    than it´s work. But Change the Standard commands from 1 to 0. ist dont work,.

    In Arcturus 0.8 it was work without Problems.

    All pic´s was createt with a user Rank 1

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