Important broken Achievements

Issue #857 resolved
Oliver created an issue


Me and Res went through the achievements of Arcturus trying to find out what worked and what didn't. We deleted every broken one, so I will not provide them in here. However, these are the achievements I wish you would fix, because people love them:

  • Change name-achievement | ACH_Name1
  • Haloompa respect etc. | ACH_HaloompaRespectGiver | ACH_HaloompaLevelUp
  • Fast Food-achievements (When you fix the bugs in Fast Food, people will play it non-stop, sick feature), this contains boosts, toplists etc. | ACH_BaseJumpWins | ACH_BaseJumpMissile | ACH_BaseJumpShield | ACH_BaseJumpBigParachute | ACH_BaseJumpDaysPlayed
  • SnowStorm-achievements, toplists, top of the week etc. | ACH_SnowWarTotalScore | ACH_SnowWarWeeklyTopTen | ACH_SnowWarWeeklyBest
  • Room host (the one where you host a room for X minutes and get ach for it) | ACH_RoomDecoHosting
  • HC-achievements | ACH_VipHC | ACH_BasicClub | ACH_VipClub
  • Logging in X days in a row | ACH_Login

Comments (7)

  1. Oliver reporter

    @Wesley12312 please don't fix all at once, start fixing one at a time but these are pretty important I asked users.

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