Missing interaction_type for xmas_r17_musicbox

Issue #866 closed
Buggyz created an issue


There is missing an interaction type for the item: xmas_r17_musicbox

see yt: https://youtu.be/Y8NxV9fec7I

Comments (7)

  1. Wesley repo owner

    Its just a sound effect. Not emulator related. Check your browser console to see missing .MP3 files.

  2. Oliver

    Hello, sorry actually responding to such an old issue. I don't know whether you fixed this yet or not, so I looked into it and found out how it works:

    How to fix Victorian musicbox

    1. Steal the mp3 your console says you to (732)
    2. Change the interaction type of musicbox to 'musicdisc'.
    3. Change interaction_modes_count to '2'.

    Update items, reload if necessary and voilàh - works perfect! https://gyazo.com/a0fbfae8610deb51cd6b497375a86c92

    Have fun :P

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