One Way Door operation

Issue #916 resolved
Gonzalox created an issue

Description: The one_way_door furni does not perform its function correctly.

Long Description: By double clicking on the furni for the user to access through it, he performs the action by the adjacent tile and not by the door. When the same action is performed but with obstacles on the sides it simply does not move.

Media: Example .gif 1: Example .gif 2:

Comments (12)

  1. Oliver

    I don't consider minor bugs being actually important.

    Who even uses one way doors? I've seen plenty of hotel's having them, but no-one uses them. This is an feature that is ACTUALLY useless.

  2. Buggyz

    I use it for my wired death run, and maybe its not important for u but maybe an another player will use it.

  3. NextGenHabbo

    People use these for events, it's allows people to enter events, but not leave. or vice versa, it's very useful. Confirmed as broken.

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