Wired bugg - see the gif.

Issue #996 closed
Buggyz created an issue


when i say the correct word the wired are moving but the door didnt open... check the gif... when u say that correct wordt the door must be open... it didnt work!

Comments (3)

  1. Buggyz reporter

    EDIT: When you say interaction type = door and the interaction_modes_count are on one it didnt work, but i door is automatic 2 interacation modes counts...

    nls: waarom moet je persee als je al interaction type op deur (door) hebt gezet persee ook nog het aantal invullen? deur is toch automatisch al 2... indien je geen 2 invult zou het niet samenwerken met wired.. fk slecht.. want interaction door is autmatisch al 2... snapje?

  2. Wesley repo owner

    Set to interaction type gate and interaction modes count to 2 as there are two states for a door.

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