Code license

Issue #1 resolved
John Abermat created an issue

Maybe it will be a good idea to change the current license, because the Creative Commons license is not really suited for this kind of stuff.

A GNU or MIT licence might be better.

Comments (4)

  1. WhiteKernel repo owner

    Hi, Thanks for your suggestion. The license has been a long debate. Can you explain in more details what the CC license is for ? I admit licenses are a little bit confusing..

    Thanks much for your interest.

  2. John Abermat reporter

    From the Wikipedia page (as it is relatively well explained) :

    Work licensed under a Creative Commons license is governed by applicable copyright law. This allows Creative Commons licenses to be applied to all work falling under copyright, including: books, plays, movies, music, articles, photographs, blogs, and websites. Creative Commons does not recommend the use of Creative Commons licenses for software (Site, FAQ).

  3. WhiteKernel repo owner

    Indeed, it is quite clear.. I will change this as soon as possible.

    Thanks much again

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