Child folders in Delphi Installation path and search path are not always indexed

Issue #25 resolved
Former user created an issue

Child folders are not getting indexed in some cases. This causes units be not be resolved properly in the uses clauses.

First, the Delphi installation directory. It is consistently only indexing two of the child folders (InterBaseXE3 and lib). I can't figure out why it's skipping all of the other folders including source. I can't find any permission differences between the folders.

Second, the workspace directory. It only shows the top level directory as being indexed. However, if I copy that folder to my desktop and try again, it will correctly index all subfolders recursively.

Thirdly, I have a folder in the searchPath. The log only shows the top level folder being indexed.

I have attached log files from the indexing when my workspace folder was in it's normal location (OmniPascal.log.1) and when I copied it to the desktop (OmniPascal.log.2).

Comments (5)

  1. Jed Veatch

    Yay! It is correctly indexing the folders now. What was the issue?

    The only issue that still remains is that the IDE still shows the units as unresolved until I make a change to the uses clause. However, when I hover over a unit name it shows the location to the file. So it's like it thinks it can't find it, marks it with the squiggly line, and then the indexer finishes but the IDE isn't updated until a change is made to the uses clause.


  2. Christopher Wosinski repo owner

    Great! That error will be fixed in version 0.11.0. Please use the debug version until the new version is released.

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