Allow modification of the tempate used to create the project Compile batch file

Issue #51 open
Bas Schouten created an issue

Considering that everyone can use his or her own build configurations, binary output path etc it would be nice to have a user editable template that will beused for generating the batch file that compiles a dpr project.

Even better would be to have retieve the available build configs and the binary output path from the .dproj file ittself and use that to generate the compile batch file

Comments (4)

  1. Christopher Wosinski repo owner

    Actually, OmniPascal does read the build path from the .dproj file. It takes the path from the value stored in <DCC_ExeOutput> The generated scripts are based on the current build configuration set inside the .dproj file. If the output path in the generated script is incorrect then we have surely a bug here. Can you add the DPROJ file and the generated CompileOmniPascalServer.bat file here?

  2. Bas Schouten reporter

    Indeed the output path is set correctly if it is set in the dproj file, I was testing it with a project that only contained .bpls So naturally there wasnt a exe file created.

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