How to make all keywords and reserved words using lowercased?

Issue #84 open
Bee Jay created an issue

It's already some kind of my code convention to use lowercase for all keywords and reserved words of Pascal. This includes special or "magical" or internal or built-in methods such as exit, break, continue, write, writeln, etc; and primitive data types such as integer, boolean, string, etc; and special values, variables, or constants such as true, false, result, etc. Because we consider them all as inherent part of Pascal language.

Unfortunately, OmniPascal's auto-completion keeps forcing me to use PamelCase for some of them. For example, OmniPascal uses Integer while I prefer integer, String vs string, Result vs result, Break vs break, etc although I've been using the lowercase all over the code. I hope OmniPascal could respect user's preference, or at least make it configurable.

I know this is a personal preference. If you can't provide such feature, could you show me where to look and which part that needs to be modified? I'm not a VS Code expert, I have never use JS to begin with. But I'm a programmer, so I think I would be able to modify OmniPascal code to get what I want, if there's enough information to start.

Thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Christopher Wosinski repo owner
    • changed status to open

    After having the ability to configure the String type it makes sense to make naming convetions configurable for all intrinsic symbols.

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