Enable FPC (FreePascal)

Issue #9 closed
Former user created an issue


Currently, you have to insert a valid Delphi Studio installation path (for the key "objectpascal.delphiInstallationPath"), but will there be support for the FPC (FreePascal compiler), too? This one is usually located in the path "C:\FPC\2.6.4\bin\i386-win32" (or similar).

Best Regards, Julian

Comments (3)

  1. Christopher Wosinski repo owner

    Just point "objectpascal.delphiInstallationPath" to the FPC sources folder. OmniPascal will crawl this folder recursively to find the units. In my case it's set to "C:\development\FPC" for FPC projects. At least for now, OmniPascal can't parse units with FPC related keywords like constref. So you might can't see all visible symbols in the completion box. This issue is related to the underlying DelphiAST library (https://github.com/RomanYankovsky/DelphiAST).

    If you want to bind the FPC compiler or lazbuild please take a look here: http://blog.omnipascal.com/how-to-attach-the-build-process-to-visual-studio-code/

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