
Clone wiki

xjdhdr-random-code / Plugin-Resources:-Quest

Hello reader!

This table is used to show which records in my mod "Plugin Resources" are available for modders to use and which are taken. To claim a record for your mod, you simply have to edit the entry for a record to mark it as taken by your mod. First one to edit the record gets it.

If you are new to wiki editing and want to claim a record:

  1. Login with your Github account. If you don't have one, create one.
  2. Click on the “Edit” button next to the green “New Page” button in the top right hand corner of this page.
  3. After that, look for the entries for the record(s) you want to claim, making sure that the last two columns to the right of each record are “Yes” and empty, respectively.
  4. After that, replace the word “Yes” on each record you want to claim with “No”.
  5. Then, in the blank area next to the “No” you just added, copy-paste all the text in step 6, replacing the angle brackets (<>) and everything between them with the relevant information (again, remove the angle brackets as well).
  6. **<ESP or ESM name>** in [<Mod name>](<link to mod info (Nexus Mods download page, Bethesda Forum topic, etc)>) by <Mod creator(s)>.

If you are still confused by what you need to do, I would recommend taking a look at this page's source (click on the “Edit” button) and see how the parts of the table that contain claimed records have been written. If this page has no such records, take a look at the [[Script records|Plugin Resources: Script]] page as that one will definitely have claimed records.

Here is an explanation of the columns:

  • Editor ID: The Editor ID of the blank record.
  • Version: The oldest version of Plugin Resources that contains this record. Your mod will become dependant on at least whichever version of Plugin Resources is indicated in this column.
  • Available?: Whether or not this record has been claimed. Modders claiming a record have to change the Yes on their chosen record to a No and add details of their mod to the next column.
  • Mods using this record: Lists the name of the plugin and mod that uses this record. Unclaimed records will have nothing in this column.

What are those last two quests marked as "reserved for version control" for? - Those quests have scripts attached that update the value of the global variable that is used to advertise the version of Plugin Resources that is installed. [[Please see this page for more info.|Plugin Resources: Version Control]]

Editor ID Ver Free Mods using this record
XJPRQuest0001 1.000 No - Permanent Effects from Quest Items fix.esp in Permanent Effect from Quest Items fix by XJDHDR
- Permanent Effects from Quest Items fix - SI.esp in Permanent Effect from Quest Items fix by XJDHDR
XJPRQuest0002 1.000 No - CombatFPSOptimizer.esp in Combat FPS Optimizer Updated Mergable by Dieterweb, Zenball and XJDHDR
XJPRQuest0003 1.000 No - PlaySpecial - OBSE and SoundCommands Required.esp in Play Special Music Mergable by Asesino and XJDHDR
- PlaySpecial.esp in Play Special Music Mergable by Asesino and XJDHDR
XJPRQuest0004 1.000 No - Immersive Combat Music.esp in Immersive Combat Music by Strategy Master and XJDHDR
XJPRQuest0005 1.000 Yes
XJPRQuest0006 1.000 Yes
XJPRQuest0007 1.000 Yes
XJPRQuest0008 1.000 Yes
XJPRQuest0009 1.000 Yes
XJPRQuest0010 1.000 Yes
XJPRQuest0011 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0012 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0013 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0014 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0015 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0016 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0017 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0018 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0019 1.001 Yes
XJPRQuest0020 1.001 Yes
zzzzXJPRaVersionQuest 1.001 No None, reserved for version control.
zzzzXJPRVersionQuest 1.001 No None, reserved for version control.
