support for POST requests

Issue #13 resolved
matteo bruno created an issue

Hi, I've seen your plugin on the marketplace and unfortunately I can't install it in Stash 3.5: do you have a version for this software?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards.


Comments (25)

  1. Alexander Renteln

    Hi @satboy78 ,

    Stash is only available as self-hosted server application - the Atlassian cloud solution is bitbucket. At least as far as I know.

    Could you give me some more details on what you are running? Perhaps also some links?

    Cheers, Alex

  2. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi Alex, thanks a lot for your answer. Sorry, I mixed up things. Here we have Stash installed on a server, our version is 3.5, we would like to install your plugin: do you think it's possible? I've seen that your plugin works with Stash <= 3.10

    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards.


  3. Alexander Renteln

    Hi @satboy78 ,

    the current version of the plugin (3.2) works for versions of stash from 2.10 to 3.10 - so stash 3.5 should work just fine. What's the error you are getting? Could you attach a screenshot or something?

    Cheers, Alex

  4. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi @aeffle , thanks a lot for your email; I'll try again and then I'll send you a feedback, maybe I did something wrong.

    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards, Matteo

  5. Alexander Renteln

    Hi @satboy78 ,

    POST currently doesn't support this.. but I'm on it. Should be done within the next few days... For now, try to stick to GET if that's possible...

    Cheers, Alex

  6. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi @aeffle , thanks a lot! I've tried to use GET but it doesn't work... do you have ever tried to use GET method with your plugin for Stash and Packagist?

    Thanks, Matteo

  7. Alexander Renteln

    Hi @satboy78 ,

    from the packagist docu, they require a POST request with the content-type application/json and some json-data as body:


    If you use BitBucket, GitLab or other non-supported method you can add a "POST" hook or Push Event and then enter ' username=XXX&apiToken=YYY' as the URL. To manually send update notices from other services you can build up a POST request to the previous URL and send the following JSON request body: {"repository": { "url": "...the VCS url Packagist should update..."}}. Do not forget to send a Content-Type header set to application/json too.

    Your timing couldn't be better :-) I am currently implementing the data part of the POST request. I started with content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" as one normally would like to post a form. I was even just about to simplify the gui and only support the form-thingy but with your request I now see that it makes sense to support more :-)

    I will add it to the todo list and you will probably get a solution soon.

    Cheers, Alex

  8. Alexander Renteln

    Hi @satboy78 ,

    the simple version with a POST to…

    should already work with the current version.

    Cheers, Alex

  9. Alexander Renteln

    Hi @satboy78 ,

    I have a snapshot which you might want to try out in our test environment.

    Here is a screenshot of the UI (which I will probably rearrange at some point): Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 07.28.35.png

    And this is the request it will generate: Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 07.27.38.png

    I will put the jar file in the download section and you can check it out :-) I will do some testing as well and once I'm convinced, I will release it to the marketplace as well :-)

    Cheers, Alex

  10. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi @aeffle ,

    thanks a lot, I download it and then I'll test it.

    I'll keep you updated.

    Thanks a lot.

    Regards, Matteo

  11. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi @aeffle,

    I've installed this new version but unfortunately it doesn't work.

    Here you can see our Stash log; nothing in the packagist log.

    Do you think this issue is due to http request? maybe packagist needs https requests?

    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards, Matteo

    2015-06-16 09:47:04,558 ERROR [AtlassianEvent::thread-22] brunomat @xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1mi85xn SSH - git-receive-pack '/intl-seta/standard-edition.git' d.a.s.p.
    hook.HttpGetPostReceiveHook Some IO exception occured Server returned HTTP response code: 406 for URL: Server returned HTTP response code: 406 for URL:
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0_45]
    at$ ~[na:1.7.0_45]
    at$ ~[na:1.7.0_45]
    at Method) ~[na:1.7.0_45]
    at ~[na:1.7.0_45]
    at ~[na:1.7.0_45]
    at de.aeffle.stash.plugin.hook.helper.HttpAgent.logResponseBody( ~[plugin_5960404243428465353_stash-http-get-post-receive-hook-3.3-SNAPSHOT_1434456258
    at de.aeffle.stash.plugin.hook.helper.HttpAgent.doPost( ~[plugin_5960404243428465353_stash-http-get-post-receive-hook-3.3-SNAPSHOT_1434456258000.jar:n
    at de.aeffle.stash.plugin.hook.helper.HttpAgent.doPageRequest( ~[plugin_5960404243428465353_stash-http-get-post-receive-hook-3.3-SNAPSHOT_1434456258000
    at de.aeffle.stash.plugin.hook.HttpGetPostReceiveHook.postReceive( [plugin_5960404243428465353_stash-http-get-post-receive-hook-3.3-SNAPSH
    at com.atlassian.stash.internal.hook.repository.AsyncPostReceiveRepositoryHookAdapter$1.visit( [AsyncPostReceiveRepositoryH
    at com.atlassian.stash.internal.hook.repository.AsyncPostReceiveRepositoryHookAdapter$1.visit( [AsyncPostReceiveRepositoryH
    at com.atlassian.stash.internal.hook.repository.DefaultRepositoryHookService$RepositoryHookPagedTransactionCallback.doInTransaction(
    ) [DefaultRepositoryHookService$RepositoryHookPagedTransactionCallback.class:na]
    at com.atlassian.stash.internal.hook.repository.DefaultRepositoryHookService$RepositoryHookPagedTransactionCallback.doInTransaction(
    ) [DefaultRepositoryHookService$RepositoryHookPagedTransactionCallback.class:na]
    at [TransactionTemplate.class:4.1.1.RELEASE]
    at com.atlassian.stash.internal.hook.repository.DefaultRepositoryHookService.visitEnabledHooks( [DefaultRepositoryHookService.class
    at com.atlassian.stash.internal.hook.repository.AsyncPostReceiveRepositoryHookAdapter.postReceive( [AsyncPostReceiveReposit
    at com.atlassian.stash.internal.hook.repository.AsyncPostReceiveRepositoryHookAdapter.onRefsChangedEvent( [AsyncPostReceive
    at com.atlassian.event.internal.SingleParameterMethodListenerInvoker.invoke( [SingleParameterMethodListenerInvoker.class:na]
    at com.atlassian.stash.internal.event.AsyncBatchingInvokersTransformer$AsyncInvokerBatch.invoke( [AsyncBatchingInvokersTransfor
    at com.atlassian.event.internal.AsynchronousAbleEventDispatcher$1$ [AsynchronousAbleEventDispatcher$1$1.class:na]
    at [ThreadLocalDelegateRunnable.class:na]
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [na:1.7.0_45]
    at [na:1.7.0_45]
    ... 32 frames trimmed
    Caused by: Server returned HTTP response code: 406 for URL:
    at ~[na:1.7.0_45]
    at ~[na:1.7.0_45]
    at de.aeffle.stash.plugin.hook.helper.HttpAgent.checkResponseCode( ~[plugin_5960404243428465353_stash-http-get-post-receive-hook-3.3-SNAPSHOT_1434456258000.jar:na]
    at de.aeffle.stash.plugin.hook.helper.HttpAgent.doPost( ~[plugin_5960404243428465353_stash-http-get-post-receive-hook-3.3-SNAPSHOT_1434456258000.jar:na]
     17 common frames omitted
  12. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi @aeffle , it seems that http 406 errors happen when "The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request."

    So, current issue is that packagist is trying to return content of a mime type not in the accept header of the request.

    Can you please check it?

    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards.


  13. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi [~burdgem], I wrote a php post-receive hook script and it seems that Packagist answer is "Could not parse payload repository URL"

    This is the full transcript:

    string(337) "HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
    Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 08:44:45 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.2.29 (Unix)
    X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.5
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    X-Frame-Options: DENY
    Vary: User-Agent
    Connection: close
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Content-Type: application/json
      'status' =>
      string(5) "error"
      'message' =>
      string(38) "Could not parse payload repository URL"

    I've googled around for this error, it seems that Packagist doesn't accept our Stash url - rows 175 - 188

    and in fact, reading rows 58 - 87, you can see that regex rules don't match our url

    ssh:// (and even

    Maybe we need to fork Packagist and create a regex that can handle Stash repos.

    I'll keep you updated.

    Thanks a lot.



  14. Alexander Renteln

    Hi Matteo,

    thanks for your messages. Hope you get your packagist pull-request merged soon. For now, on my part, I can see that some better debugging capabilities would be nice. I will think about it and probably write another enhancement request myself to add these...

    Keep me updated :-)

    Cheers, Alex

  15. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi @aeffle , Seldaek merged my commit into composer:master a day ago. Today I'll make some tests and then I'll tell you if it's all ok.

    Have a great day. Matteo

  16. matteo bruno reporter

    Hi @aeffle , I've made some tests, the hook works fine!

    Thanks a lot for your help!


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