Introduce REST endpoint to configure plugin

Issue #55 new
Roberto Aloi created an issue

The current HTTP API, which we use to programmatically configure our repos is counter-intuitive. To configure multiple hooks, it expects the user to provide a global counter (locationCount) and to append numerical indexes to each entry. For example:

locationCount: 2 url: https://foo skipSsl: true url2: https://foo skipSsl2: true

Forgetting to update the locationCount results in a smaller number of hooks (it defaults to 1). Keeping numerical indexes is also un-necessary and error prone.

Please modify the API so that it takes a list of entries, instead.

[ {url: https://foo, skipSsl: true} , {url: https://bar, skipSsl: false} ]

Comments (3)

  1. Alexander Renteln

    I could provide a REST endpoint, the current HTTP way you are using is really only for configuration via web browser - and is not very pretty due to the way you can operate with the soy template...

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