Laucher Error (On Mac) Nothing downloading

Issue #103 resolved
Former user created an issue

When opening the launcher a notification appears that the launcher has to be repaired and that nothing is being downloaded. This is what has been experienced on Mac so far.

Comments (17)

  1. Num 47

    Not sure if this is a bug or not, but they are located here on mine: C:\Users\Num47\Desktop\STN\Windows64\Stn Stress Test_Data\game\StnStressTest_Data

    Look for where you extracted it to then look through the folders ^^ and within the last one you should see your output_log file...

    Then just add it onto here with your screenshot. Hope this helps bud.

  2. James Wright repo owner

    Is this issue persisting? If so I will look into it however I believe it's already been resolved.

  3. James Wright repo owner

    Let me try the the mac launcher and get back to you. I know Joe has tried it and said it works fine. I will ask him to comment too.

  4. Joseph Ciappa

    I have run a Mac and did disconnect once, I think i dropped net for a second. I redownloaded and everything went fine. Are you still having this issue?

  5. Brian Schmitz

    Is there something I should check with my computer that may being blocking and incoming data or something?

  6. Joseph Ciappa

    Can you try deleting the and re-downloading the launcher from please.

  7. Brian Schmitz

    I found the issue. It was a hidden internet filterer called X3 watch. I deleted it and I was able to download. I'm closing the bug report.

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