*Not A Bug* Suggestion: Change the Name of the STN Launcher/Patcher EXE

Issue #148 closed
J created an issue

I suggest changing the name of the executable for the STN stress test launcher/patcher, possibly as simple as adding "launcher" to it. As it stands right now, the .exe's for the launcher/patcher and the game itself are nearly identical in name (the only difference being one has spaces, the other does not).

Not really a big deal, just a thought.

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    It's only a stress test so the devs aren't too worried about making it aesthetically pleasing. When the full game is out, everything will be made neater.

  2. J reporter

    Yeah I know, this obviously isn't a right away thing. I thought of it, so I figured I would throw it in for them to put on the back burner to save for a later date. ;)

  3. James Wright repo owner

    Noted for sure. If a redownload of the exe is required then this will change :) Hopefully in the not too distant future things will be much simpler since they will be tied into steams updater system. Thanks

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