PR sucks.

Issue #273 closed
eric neketin created an issue

If you want to actually improve yourselves, I strongly reccomend these changes: Your PR simply sucks, its impossible to find answers for questions, there is mass confusion, and "listed dates" are either not actually listed anywhere or are wrong. For example: "You can now pre-order Survive the Nights through Humble! Please bear in mind you are helping fund the development and won't receive the game until the approximate dates listed. Thank you for your awesome support. " There are no "approximate dates listed." anywhere, we have looked, several times.

there is no explaination to why there are no severs up, or if there is, its burried in the fourms and inaccessible. If you let people download the launcher, you should have some sort of explaination why IT DOESNT DO ANYTHING.

Not delay it a half dozen times. Apparently that isnt self explainitory or someone didn't get the memo.

It would have been much better if you clearly laid out the differences, between stress test, pre alpha, alpha, and final game. Espically when sending youtubers videos of you playing, then telling them to dub their voice over it pretending its them playing, its confusing what is going on when it appears to be operating fine.

Emailing people, what is your guyes record? one email within 3 weeks? AWFUL.

Uninstalling the launcher probably. Which it didn't make sense to release without the actual game, its like giving someone a car without a engine. you can sit in it, but it doesnt go anywhere!

Comments (4)

  1. eric neketin reporter

    Ew you are one of those people who uses the word "troll" incorrectly. Go away.

    If by troll you mean one of the first backers, then yes.

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