Server browser after death - stresstest v1.0.3

Issue #331 new
Dr. J created an issue

I died, got put back to the server browser screen, the server list was empty, but the begin button was green, so I could respawn.

Processor - i7 5820K Graphics card - two GTX 770 in SLI RAM - 32GB DDR4 Resolution - Windowed 1768x992 (game at <HIGH> graphics with shadows <on>) O/S - Win 8.1 (v6.3 build 9600) Internet connection speed - 50Mbps down, 3 Mbps up Game version - StressTest 1.0.3 One time / repeatable - not yet sure Issue type - Server name - EU Linux #1

Comments (6)

  1. Jesse Cushaway

    The is a known function, for this build when you die you will get kicked back to menu screen/server list.

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