No apparent way to cancel connecting to server

Issue #363 new
Eric Phaneuf created an issue

Maybe missing something but once you have initiated a connection to a server there appears to be no way to cancel it. a few times when joining a server with slots open, i would see it fill up while the world was loading. I am unable to cancel the connection attempt while its underway.

I assume that you disable the begin button when the player count = the player limit, but if you initiate and then the server fills up you are left hanging. i had no recourse but to close window form task bar (W7 Full screen)

You probably want a cancel button on the world loading and connecting dialogs that allows the user to cleanly interrupt the connection process.

Thanks for all the fun (fish?)

Comments (5)

  1. J

    Yeah, there needs to be a way to cancel the server connection when a server fills up, whether it's manual with a "cancel" button or automated with a "server full" popup.

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