Item Pick up and Dropping

Issue #440 new
David Corliss created an issue

Let me start off this off by saying that I had found a gun and had no trouble picking it up and carrying it around and shooting it. Then still while carrying the gun I found a wood cutting axe and tried to pick it up and yet couldn't. It would give me the message that 'Wood cutting axe has been added to inventory' yet when I checked it wasn't in my inventory. So i thought it may be because I have my gun equiped. I wasn't able to unequip it so i ended up dropping it in order to pick up the axe. It gave me the same message that it was added to my inventory yet it wasn't there but it was still on the ground. Tried a couple more times and yet still wasn't able to pick it up while still gettting the same message. Gave up and went to pick up my gun back up and got the successful added to inventory message and yet it was still on the ground and not in my inventory. Tried a couple more time walking away and coming back with the same results.

Comments (7)

  1. Jesse Cushaway

    From my experience, this may be a minor bug with the weight system. The chat/UI says you picked it up, when actually you had too much items/weight in your inventory, keeping you from actually picking it up.

    Do you know what or how much stuff was in your inventory? Thanks.

  2. Brandon Lyons

    Can confirm that this is happening to me also.

    (Happened after drop 16 tinder and attempting to pick it back up. Then at the last tinder, I was unable to pick up items from that point on.)

  3. James Wright repo owner

    I believe this issue may be being caused by the server side weight calculation going out of skew. The message going into your chat is just your client side check of the weight accepting the pickup. Whats most likely happening is that your local inventory is adding and subtracting weight and the server in some circumstances is not removing weight on drop. Will look into this though thank you.

  4. David Corliss reporter

    I had 3 objects in my inventory. All three items were shotgun ammo weighing 2 lbs. each.

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