Vsync 30fps

Issue #441 new
MarkHomeTest created an issue

When selecting Vsync on it limits to 30 FPS even if when vsync off I am hitting 100+ FPS

Comments (7)

  1. MarkHomeTest reporter

    Win 8.1 x64 i7 4790k Gigabyte windforce GTX 980 OC (Driver 353.06) 16gb Ram BENQ BL3200 (2560x1440)

    Even if I turn settings to low it still limits on vsync to 30fps

  2. J

    Confirmed, enabling the in-game vsync caps framerate to 30 fps, regardless of in-game graphics settings (and apparently regardless of hardware), at least as reported by Fraps. vsync is supposed to limit the framerate to match the refresh rate of your monitor. For example, on a monitor with a refresh rate of 60hz, the framerate should be capped at 60fps, not 30 as the in-game vsync option currently limits.

  3. James Wright repo owner

    I believe I have the vsync rate set to every other frame meaning it will limit your fps to 30. Generally vSync will limit your monitor to 60fps as far as I'm aware. Resolved in next version, thanks guys.

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