missing terrain / terrain not meeting up at tent - stresstest 1.0.5

Issue #526 duplicate
Dr. J created an issue

This must have been spotted before, but I can't find the issue. If this is a duplication, please close it.

At the tent near the "Don't forget to wash your hands" sign (just up the dirt track on the left) there seems to be a bit of ground texture missing. Possibly a join mismatch in the texture overlay due to height change?

Fortunately, I was unable to fall through it.

Processor - i7 5820K Graphics card - two GTX 770 in SLI RAM - 32GB DDR4 Resolution - Windowed 1768x992 (game at <HIGH> graphics with shadows <on>) O/S - Win 8.1 (v6.3 build 9600) Internet connection speed - 50Mbps down, 3 Mbps up Game version - StressTest 1.0.5 One time / repeatable - yes (since 1.0.4) Issue type - Server name - US Linux #1

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