Dropping Items

Issue #532 resolved
Ciaran created an issue

I can't drop any items, just move them around between my inventory and containers like the fireplace and crate. I am able to pick up logs and cut them down to kindling and after a few tries this only seems to happen when i have wood in my inventory.

Comments (4)

  1. J

    Unsure if this persists in 1.0.6, but in 1.0.5 I was unable to drop items at times. Will try to remember to check this after I get some sleep!

  2. James Wright repo owner

    Could really do with some extra information on this one if possible. It does seem that there's an issue however nailing it down is proving to be difficult. There is a ofc a chance that you're unable to place the item where you're trying to, due to steepness or obstruction. I have now added a debug into the chat to stop that being such an issue in the future however I do feel there is some issue with the inv where it stops you adding/removing items.

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