Temp. Server Shut Down

Issue #549 resolved
Davz Not Here created an issue


shut down the servers this coming weekend (or before) so the Dev team can thin out the bug list, and maybe plan some new mech. implementations, and perhaps sleep 1 night.

minor crafting and building fortification would be first on my list

Comments (5)

  1. James Wright repo owner

    Agreed, I think these tests have been taken as far as needed for now. I think overall, they have been hugely successful and very informative. Most importantly we know that the servers hold pretty well and most of the core mechanic works as it should. The tests will be coming down shortly to let us really focus on the issues we have and continue implementation.

    Agreed on both of the things on the list of implementation however I think character stats like health, stamina, hydration etc should come first. But I doubt there will be further testing until the main character issues are sorted with glitching into the air, you can at least find locks, lock doors/chests and fortify enough to keep your base secure. More loot will also be in, in addition to the basic crafting mechanic.

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