Container to Inventory Bug

Issue #553 resolved
Num 47 created an issue

I took the log and wood axe out of a container that was completely full... after looking in my inventory and noticing this I tried to drop and equip them but was unable to do that, but I was able to move them into a container (not the one they came from) then move them back then chop and equip.

Side Note: This was back on v1.0.4 but I forgot to report it. I have been trying to recreate but I am unable too so far, I'll post back if I do...

Comments (3)

  1. James Wright repo owner

    There was an issue with stacks and behaviour with chests which I have fixed so there is a chance that it's resolved. Definitely keep testing though cos there's also a chance it's something completely different :D

  2. James Wright repo owner

    I'm going to mark this as resolved based on my previous comment. I wasn't able to reproduce this and still can't. Some additional tweaks have been made to the container logic.

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