Chop Felled Tree From Top End

Issue #561 resolved
J created an issue

Firstly, this issue was previously reported (Issue #9), however it's status is "resolved" so I didn't know if I should post on that ticket, or open a new one. Please let me know for future reference!!

Anyway after felling a tree, I started chopping it from the top end. After cutting clear through the first section from the top, the first section from the base of the tree became the Log. Also, the cut that I put into the top end filled back up. After a few more swings at the top end, the entire tree becomes chopped into Logs. See video. :)

Comments (6)

  1. J reporter

    New video. After the initial chopping of the top end and the first log appears from the bottom end, each chop on the top end of the tree chops a new log from the bottom end all the way up the tree until finally the whole tree is chopped into logs.

  2. James Wright repo owner

    Going to add some checks to make sure this can't happen. Issue being that it's probably been fixed and then when testing, changed back for easy testing. Pretty awesome bug though :D

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