Weapon & Ammunition Weights

Issue #577 resolved
J created an issue

Currently, a loaded gun of any kind (pistol, shotgun, rifle) has the same weight regardless of how much ammo is loaded. Also, a box of ammo weighs the same regardless of how many rounds remain in the box.

I'm sure this is something that will be in the works later on, but I wanted to comment on it. Weapon & ammo box weights should be dynamic. A fully loaded Ruger should weigh more than an empty one. Also, the weight should gradually drop from the loaded weapon as rounds are fired.

Comments (3)

  1. James Wright repo owner

    Agreed on this. I think the ammo box weight should be based per cartridge/round instead of an overall weight for a box of ammo. For example if a box of ammo 100 rounds weighs 100units then each round is 1unity. This will definitely come in the future.

  2. James Wright repo owner

    Guns now have extra weight associated to the ammo weight. Ammo boxes also have max ammo amounts rather than just 100 and also have a floating weight dependant on the amount of round remaining.

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