Music Stops Playing

Issue #60 resolved
Jereme125 created an issue

After a little while into he menu the music stops

Comments (22)

  1. Jonathon Gallant

    It does indeed stop. It last roughly 2 minutes, I didn't time it but when I looked at the clock it was roughly 2 minutes. But all they need to do to fix it is loop it over so it just continues.

  2. James Wright repo owner

    Now working. The system plays tracks at random based on random interval time. Random time was set to 240 minutes between checks. At one time the check variable was probably in seconds and never got updated after it was changed to minutes.

  3. J

    I think if you're in the main menu, and not on a server, the music should continually play from one track to another.

    A neat thought is to have a track list in the Settings > Audio menu where you could select which tracks you wanted, and only the selected tracks would play (default all tracks selected). Although, I've thoroughly enjoyed each track I've heard.

  4. Adam West

    Same for me! it feels like the music should be played in a loop, but it just stops after a while for me.

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