Arrow keys + enter bug - Menu

Issue #80 new
Former user created an issue

Using the arrows keys + enter to go through the menu is completly fine until the point where you come to quit.

When you use your arrow keys + enter to go over to quit and then press enter on cancel you can no longer use the arrow keys and enter. It seems that when hitting enter on cancel it freezes the cancel button. The menu animation stays on and doesn't go back to white font just stays grey.

Comments (8)

  1. Num 47

    +1 I can confirm using the arrow keys then pressing enter to cancel that it closes the menu UI, you need to use your mouse again to use the arrows on the tabs. Which should be the case I guess, But even after using the arrow keys after clicking on the tabs the "Cancel" button is still grayed out.

    I'd class this as trivial or minor at least.

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