More Typos
Typos: First block shows original and second shows correction
4.1.1. Layer folder A layer folder contains configuration, task and target descriptions for what BitBake does. It is common praxis to name a layer folders meta-'something'.
4.1.1. Layer folder A layer folder contains configuration, task and target descriptions for what BitBake does. It is common practice to name a layer folders meta-'something'.
The first recipe BitBake needs recipes to do something. Currently there is non, so even if we can run the bitbakecommand, without having a recipe it makes not that much fun.
The first recipe BitBake needs recipes to do something. Currently there are none, so even if we run the bitbake command, without having a recipe it makes it not that much fun.
Therefore we edit the meta-turorial/conf/bitbake.conf file and add at the end: Therefore we edit the meta-tutorial/conf/bitbake.conf file and add at the end:
Often the cache path is composed out of different variables to have the actual build configuration, like debug or releas, in the name. Often the cache path is composed out of different variables to have the actual build configuration, like debug or release, in the name.
The next step is to add a recipe what requires 2 steps: The next step is to add a recipe which requires 2 steps:
8.3 meta-tria/conf/bitbake.conf meta-tutorial/conf/bitbake.conf
Comments (2)
repo owner -
repo owner - changed status to resolved
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thanks a lot for reporting all those typos! will fix them as soon as possible, but this will become the next weekend, or that one after.