Wrong output of incumbent performance

Issue #20 resolved
Matthias Feurer created an issue

Currently, instensify outputs the incumbent performance based on the runs it ran the challenger on. This is very confusing as the performance wiggles, although it actually does not.

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Lindauer

    Could you give a concrete example. If you don't need the debug mode, you should only see lines such as

    INFO:intensifier:Updated estimated performance of incumbent on 6 runs: 0.4763

    This is always for all incumbent runs

    INFO:intensifier:Challenger (0.0794) is better than incumbent (1.3925) on 6 runs.

    shows the performance of the challenger and incumbent on the full set of instance-seed pair we ran so far.

    Only in the debug mode, you see something like

    Incumbent 0.1 is better than challenger 0.3 on 2 runs.

    which could be a subset of the runs.

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