we want to translate your book into Russian

Issue #5 new
VERBiSDiablo created an issue

Hi Ali, we want to translate your book into Russian. We already translate couple of chapters. But we began frustrated with unnecessary work that we needed to do. 1. You put all stuff in one big heap, so only you can assembly the book. 2. I have no Linux and have no idea what is the bash, so I'm unable assemble the book (I can't say for all of us, because we don't know each other; I'm translator, another one is editor, another one is corrector, and rest of us do different kind of stuff). 3. We must replace every single text whose match with /ders/d.en/ by /ders/d.ru/ 4. We must translate a chapter's title in three places (ix.d, and in two different places in the chapter's file). 5. We must edit macro KEYWORDS for each chapter, but part 'd programming language tutorial book' is always the same; who we needed copy-pase this text?

  1. You must extract the book from rest of your web-site.

  2. I don't know what to do, maybe you must replace Bash by D.

  3. You must replace appropriated instances of LINK2 macro by CHAPTER macro. LOCAL=en PATH=ders/d.$(LOCAL) CHAPTER=$(LINK2 /$(PATH)/$1.html, $+) And translators must only redefine LOCAL macro, or body of the LOCAL macro can be auto-generated (the body exactly match the directory name). And instead of $(LINK2 /ders/d.ru/smth.html, bla-bla) we can use $(CHAPTER smth, bla-bla)

4-5. Maybe you must rethink the project.

Also, we need to know how exactly pronounced your name (not how American people pronounce it). We need it to translate your name into Russian.

Comments (3)

  1. acehreli repo owner

    Thank you very much for your feedback and especially your interest in translating the book. I hope you've discovered the following file, which is supposed to ease translation:


    1) Yes, the source could be better organized but, it still should be possible to build individual targets. For example, one can build just the print version of the pdf with the following target

    make ders/d.en/Programming_in_D.print.pdf

    2) Agreed. I should have use D even for those scripts. Until then, it's still possible to use e.g. a Linux virtual machine. You can edit from Windows and type 'make' inside the VM.

    3) I know that my links are broken. It may be trivial to replace them globally.

    4) Agreed.

    5) Agreed.

    6) (Bonus :) ) I should translate everything in the Makefiles (and some DDOC macros) to English so that it's easier for you to make sense of it.

  2. acehreli repo owner

    Regarding the pronunciation of "Ali Çehreli", I found three pieces for the puzzle. (You may need to click the play button on the maps to hear the pronunciations.)

    (That recording is not very clear but "ç" is pronounced similar to "ch" in English.)

    (Note: The last one is only for "-li"; so, ignore "kare".)

  3. VERBiSDiablo reporter

    Maybe I'm was not clear, because Bitbucket broke my formatting. pr.png

    About pronunciation — you must record yourself, while speaking your name.

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