No table of contents for Kindle version

Issue #7 new
acehreli repo owner created an issue

Chibisi says "I have just bought the Kindle version, however I found that there is no table of contents in this version. I have found this very useful in the PDF version of your book and it would be very useful to have it in the Kindle version."

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I also bought the Kindle version, and I noticed the same issue. I would really love a fix for this!

    I just want to emphasize how unfortunate this is. There is no table of contents, and apparently there are no page markers either. This makes it impossible to jump to a certain location in the middle of the book, the only way to go there is to click the “next page” button hundreds of times. This gets really annoying quickly! Given that this is supposed to be a reference book, and given that it’s over 700 pages, the ability to jump to a certain section in the book is really a must-have.

  2. acehreli reporter

    Sorry for delaying the fix for so late. I will prepare a new Kindle version during this holiday break, which will include a table of contents.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks, looking forward to it. If you want I can help out with testing on my device.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    I can confirm that the with the version on the website, the table of contents shows on my Kindle. In this new version you still can’t jump to a page number, but with a working TOC that’s really not much of an issue.

    And yes, it uses Andada as far as I can tell. It see for example the vertical serifs on the capital C.

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