Labels are applied to build plans, not actual builds

Issue #2 new
Ilya Fomin created an issue

When applying labels using the plugin, they are actually applied to build plans themselves, and clicking on the label shows that there are no associated builds found.

Comments (4)

  1. Ilya Fomin reporter

    Attached a few screenshots. Labels are shown next to plan name, not on build summary page.

  2. Adam Myatt repo owner

    The plugin is called the "Bamboo PLAN Labeller", thus meant to label a Plan, not build results or jobs.

    The blog post you mentioned : is not me. I did not write it. The blogger made a comment " but labeling builds at the Plan level is currently a manual step. A task plugin for that would make a perfect Codegeist project, don’tchya think??" So I wrote a plugin that auto labelled PLANS. It does not reflect the content of the blog post, but targeted the problem that labeling plans is manual.

  3. Ilya Fomin reporter

    Okay, so it does work as design, I got it, sorry. Any chance you will consider adding tag build functionality?

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