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AATKit iOS / Proposal / AATKit_Size

AATKit's size within you app

  1. Getting Started
  2. AATKit Initialisation
  3. Consent Handling
  4. Formats
  5. Targeting
  6. Advanced

AATKit's size within you app

In order to see how much space the AATKit will take up in your app, you can consult the following table.

Apple's singleViewController app .xcarchive .app executable
raw app 2,3 MB 245 KB 209 KB
app + frameworks + AATKit - Ad Network SDKs 6,5 MB 3,5 MB 854 KB
app + frameworks + AATKit + Ad Network SDKs 55,9 MB 22,6 MB 20 MB


  • The raw app in the table corresponds to Apple's default single viewController app.
  • When archiving your app, you'll end up with an .xcarchive file.
  • An .app file is contained within the .xcarchive file.
  • The executable binary is contained within the .app file.

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