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AATKit iOS / Proposal / Third-Party Issues

Network-specific Information

  1. Getting Started
  2. AATKit Initialisation
  3. Consent Handling
  4. Formats
  5. Targeting
  6. Advanced

Network-specific Information

This page will provide you with information about AATKit integration issues that are caused by ad network SDKs.

App-Transport Security (ATS)

AATKit supports ATS, however: Several ad networks still do not support ATS. If you want to have ATS enabled in your app, you should remove these SDKs:

  • Amazon
  • InMobi
  • Smaato
  • SmartAd Server

NOTE: The removal of ad networks can cause a decrease in revenue. If in doubt, contact


If you want to upload your application with Bitcode, you need to remove these ad networks:

  • UnityAds

If you integrate any of these networks using CocoaPods, Bitcode will be disabled for your project.

NOTE: The removal of ad networks can cause a decrease in revenue. If in doubt, contact

Privacy Notes

Some networks try to access privacy-related information about the user. If you want to maximize user privacy, you can remove these ad networks:

NOTE: The removal of ad networks can cause a decrease in revenue. If in doubt, contact

📅 Accesses the user's calendar. (NSCalendarsUsageDescription)
📷 Accesses the user's photo library. (NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription)
🎥 Accesses the user's camera. (NSCameraUsageDescription)
🌎 Accesses the user's location for nearby features. (NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription and/or NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription)
🗓 Accesses the user's reminders app. (NSRemindersUsageDescription)
🏃 Accesses the user's motion information. (NSMotionUsageDescription)

NOTE: Calendar access needs to be granted to serve MRAID compliant ads. The MRAID specification can be found here.

Google Mobile Ads SDK:

Since version 7.42.0, Google Mobile Ads SDK requires publishers to either add their AdMob app key to the Info.plist file of their Xcode project or declare them as Ad Manager Apps. Please find your AdMob app key within your AdMob account or contact our support. Please refer to the following links to add the above entries to your project's Info.plist file:

AdMob App ID

Ad Manager entry

Applovin: Native Ads

The delegate methods of Applovin native ads don't provide information about the state of the ad view that is shown when clicking on a native ad, so we weren't able to implement our callbacks for leaving and resuming the app when showing an ad. That leads to not being able to react to these states in comparison to native ads from other ad networks. So if you rely on these callbacks, we recommend you to use other ad networks than Applovin for native ads in your app.


Please download the following script and follow the steps suggested by Applovin.

AppNexus: Set Custom Interstitial Auto Dismiss Delay

For setting the auto dismiss delay for AppNexus interstitials, you have to:

  • Add a key called AppNexusInterstitialAutoCloseTime with a number value to the info.plist
  • Set AppNexusInterstitialAutoCloseTime to the desired value

If you don't set the auto dismiss delay, the default value will be used.

Pubnative: Set Custom Offset

To set custom offset for Pubnative fullscreen Ads, you need to

  • In the application Info.plist, set AATKitPubnativeOffsetSecsHTMLInterstitial to the desired int value
  • In the application Info.plist, set AATKitPubnativeOffsetSecsVideoLInterstitial to the desired int value

If you don't set the custom offset, the default value (5 seconds) will be used.

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