Upgradation to HaxeFlixel 3.1.0

Issue #4 new
Umang Goel created an issue

I've upgraded the code to version 3.1.0. It could be successfully compiled but there are some issues with it which I'm trying to figure out.

Comments (1)

  1. deneche abdelhakim repo owner

    Hi Umang, I just took a look at the changes you did and I see that you fixed two issues along the way (or so it looks like as I didn't had the chance to try the new code yet). Another developer, Kartik, has already submitted a pull request that should successfully upgrade the code, I am just waiting for him to make some small modifications and I should be able to merge his changes to the repository. If you want to, you can describe how you fixed each issue by adding a comment in the issue itself, and once I merge Kartik's changes, please send me a new patch that fixes the issues. Good job you did here :)

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