Unicode class is unrecognized

Issue #10 resolved
Ryan Jarvis created an issue

Plugin finds an error with the following script's use of 'Unicode'

'+', '-', <application reference>, <built in class identifier plural>, <built in class identifier>, <built in constant literal expression>, <every elem reference>, <index reference>, <number literal expression>, <property reference>, <relative reference>, NLS, every, middle, my, some or the expected, got '«' (at line 4)
--- saves the contents of your selected folder to a text file with a name you specify
--- be sure to include the extension in the filename (although I guess you don't need to...)

set ffolder to choose folder
tell application "Finder"
    set fileNames to (get the name of every file of ffolder)
    set theItems to selection
    repeat with itemRef in theItems
        set end of fileNames to name of itemRef
    end repeat
    set fileNames to fileNames as Unicode text
    set fn to choose file name
    set fid to open for access fn with write permission
    write fileNames to fid
    close access fid
end tell

--- http://www.scriptogr.am/unforswearing
--- http://www.github.com/unforswearing
--- notes@theforeverarrow.com

Comments (1)

  1. Andrey repo owner

    Added upper case for the class name for now.

    General fix would be to add general support for case insensitivity to lexer.

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