Incomplete Expression Errors

Issue #7 resolved
Ryan Jarvis created an issue

The following script has errors found but compiles and runs fine in the script editor.


Incomplete expression (at line 6)
Incomplete expression (at line 11)
Incomplete expression (at line 24)
Syntax error
Application Services
'+', '-', '.', <built in class identifier plural>, <script property declaration>, <var declaration list>, Apr, April, Aug, August, BUILT_IN_PROPERTY, CUBIC_VOL, CURRENT_APP, CURRENT_APPLICATION, DIGITS, Dec, December, FILE_SPECIFICATION, Feb, February, Fri, Friday, INTERNATIONAL_TEXT, Jan, January, Jul, July, Jun, June, LOCATION_SPECIFIER, MISSING_VALUE, Mar, March, May, Mon, Monday, NLS, Nov, November, Oct, October, QUOTED_FORM, RGB_COLOR, SCRIPTING_ADDITIONS, SQUARE_AREA, STYLED_CLIPBOARD_TEXT, STYLED_TEXT, Sat, Saturday, Sep and ... expected, got '
        ' (at line 11)
<application handler definition>, <assignment statement>, <expression>, <script property declaration>, <var declaration list>, COMMENT, NLS, RAW_CODE, considering, continue, exit, if, ignoring, on, return, script, tell, to, try, use, using or with expected, got 'else' (at line 13)
')', <compare expression>, <filter reference>, <handler parameter label>, <multiplicative expression>, <object reference expression> or returning expected, got '1' (at line 14)
of expected, got 'if' (at line 15)
'+', '-', '.', <built in class identifier plural>, <script property declaration>, <var declaration list>, Apr, April, Aug, August, BUILT_IN_PROPERTY, CUBIC_VOL, CURRENT_APP, CURRENT_APPLICATION, DIGITS, Dec, December, FILE_SPECIFICATION, Feb, February, Fri, Friday, INTERNATIONAL_TEXT, Jan, January, Jul, July, Jun, June, LOCATION_SPECIFIER, MISSING_VALUE, Mar, March, May, Mon, Monday, NLS, Nov, November, Oct, October, QUOTED_FORM, RGB_COLOR, SCRIPTING_ADDITIONS, SQUARE_AREA, STYLED_CLIPBOARD_TEXT, STYLED_TEXT, Sat, Saturday, Sep and ... expected, got '
        ' (at line 24)
<application handler definition>, <assignment statement>, <expression>, <script property declaration>, <var declaration list>, COMMENT, NLS, RAW_CODE, considering, continue, exit, if, ignoring, on, return, script, tell, to, try, use, using or with expected, got 'else' (at line 26)
')', <compare expression>, <filter reference>, <handler parameter label>, <multiplicative expression>, <object reference expression> or returning expected, got '1' (at line 27)
of expected, got 'if' (at line 28)
of expected, got 'tell' (at line 43)
--- Choose an application to watch
--- Choose an application to open when this application is activated
--- Can also be used for watching/launching documents/files/scripts (ostensibly. hasn't been tested)
--- NOTE: sometimes does not work with applications that have multiple names

tell application "Finder"

    set wapp_name to choose file with prompt "What application should I watch?" default location "/Applications"
    tell application "Finder" to set {dispName, nameExt, isHidden} to the {displayed name, name extension, extension hidden} of wapp_name
    if isHidden or nameExt is equal to "" then
        (characters 1 through (-2 - (count of nameExt)) of dispName) as text
    end if
    set baseName to result
    set fwapp_name to baseName

    delay 0.4

    set oapp_name to choose file with prompt "What application should open when " & fwapp_name & " is activated?"
    set poapp_name to POSIX path of oapp_name
    tell application "Finder" to set {odispName, onameExt, oisHidden} to the {displayed name, name extension, extension hidden} of oapp_name
    if oisHidden or onameExt is equal to "" then
        (characters 1 through (-2 - (count of onameExt)) of odispName) as text
    end if
    set obaseName to result
    set foapp_name to obaseName

        tell application "System Events"
            set process_list to the name of every process whose visible is true
            if process_list contains fwapp_name then
                open oapp_name
                exit repeat
                delay 10
            end if
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell


Comments (4)

  1. Ryan Jarvis reporter

    Perhaps a more succint version of this

    set isHidden to true
    set dispName to "Test Script"
    if isHidden then
        -- This line seems to cause the issue
        (characters 1 through (-2 - (count of nameExt)) of dispName) as text
    end if
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