Plugin doesn't support alternative quotes

Issue #9 resolved
Ryan Jarvis created an issue

The following script uses guillemet for quotes. This is common in France. These currently throw an error.

'+', '-', <application reference>, <built in class identifier plural>, <built in class identifier>, <built in constant literal expression>, <every elem reference>, <index reference>, <number literal expression>, <property reference>, <relative reference>, NLS, every, middle, my, some or the expected, got '«' (at line 4)
--- saves the text contents of the clipboard to a text file with a name you specify.
--- be sure to specify an extension (e.g. use HTML if you want to save the copied text as a webpage)

set d to the clipboard as «class utf8»
set fn to choose file name
set fid to open for access fn with write permission
write d to fid
close access fid

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