Cheater with Nickname "Nod"

Issue #106 wontfix
popolore lorepopo created an issue

There is a guy, he plays under the nickname "NOD" or "Nod".

I think he is cheating. Why I think so?

1)He can build without having a own building there 2)He can build in a tibirium field or in my own buildings 3)He can just take my building/base and sell it 4)He can build without a base (after i destroyed his base)

I dont know how he's doing that. But it sucks and goes for some weeks.

I hadn't took any pictures or videos. Put maybe someone had the same issue? This guy is online very often. So maybe you can care about this problem.

Thanks a lot

Comments (6)

  1. popolore lorepopo reporter

    PS. This guy starts cheating if I'm playing better then he does. So he probably gets angry and tries unfair

  2. popolore lorepopo reporter

    Well. Than this is an technical questions. It looked like something is very strange...

  3. Aditya Ravi Shankar repo owner

    I can't do anything unless you attach the saved game files of both the players - Your's and the other guy's ....

    Closing this issue report.

  4. jess stein

    He's not cheating, it's the syncing thing. (Happened to me a bunch of times). But he definitely plays in a cheat-ish kinda way. But he's not the only one. There's this annoying, cheap strategy people use on this site where they build then sell silos to expand their base. It's not cheating. But it's cheap.

  5. Aditya Ravi Shankar repo owner


    Please could all of you sign up on the forums and use the C&C Forum section for discussions like this??

    That forum has been made for general discussion regarding features, strategy and cheaters.

    The ISBN code for registering on the forum is 143024710X

    On the forum, you can post cool screenshots, complain about cheaters, discuss and schedule games and tournaments...

    We can keep this bug tracker for specific bugs/proposals etc. once they have been discussed on the forum.

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