Details before joining/tarting the game

Issue #47 resolved
Emphus created an issue


Only the host can see the details before launching the game. Other players should see the details, such as starting money and scenario name.

Comments (2)

  1. Emphus reporter

    It's now a major problem, becaue bugs are fixed. The player really should see the starting money and the map before joining AND before starting the game. It's simple, the game name should be something iike this: Emphus's game (SAND TRAP - money: 2500)

    Aaaand... Emphus's is not correct, it should be Emphus' as far as i know. :)

  2. Aditya Ravi Shankar repo owner

    For now, all players are notified before the game starts... This is the best I can do for now....

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