Some sprites not being loaded in Opera

Issue #60 wontfix
scootergrisen created an issue

Opera says "Unhandled Error: Cannot convert 'i' to object" in function createSpriteSheetCanvas() here : i.drawImage(e, 0, e.height * s);

This happens 2 times when selecting GDI and 11 times when selecting BON.

Which properly is the reason why i cant see the soliders and ships.

Comments (6)

  1. scootergrisen reporter

    I have done some testing and not i know why some sprites like minigunner, civilian and gunboat are not shown in Opera 12.11. There seems to be a bug in Opera 12.11 so when you create a canvas with a width or height larger then 8192, getContext("2d") will return undefined. I have made a test page here :

  2. Aditya Ravi Shankar repo owner

    Maybe report this bug on the Opera site?

    My version of Opera on Win 7 - 64 bit worked fine.... So not sure what is happening :D

  3. scootergrisen reporter

    What Opera version and build are you using ? What does the text say at the bottom of my test page in your Opera ? So you can se the minigunner sprites in your Opera ?

  4. Aditya Ravi Shankar repo owner

    (Reply via

    Version 12.11 Build 1661 Platform Win32 System Windows 7

    Message: It worked! canvas.getContext("2d") returned [object CanvasRenderingContext2D]

    Yes... Game works perfectly on my Opera

    On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 7:37 PM, scootergrisen issues-reply@bitbucket.orgwrote:

  5. scootergrisen reporter

    Did some more testing. Canvas sizes above 8192 pixels dont work when hardware acceleration is on. But do work when off. Use opera:config#UserPrefs|EnableHardwareAcceleration

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