Bridges on sand trap

Issue #97 resolved
Emphus created an issue

I think the map would be more fair if we can use the bridges (and of course, destroy it and repaire it).

Btw: Now, if somebody start at the bottom of the map (left or right) he/she is in a really good position. If somebody start at the left top of the map, he/she stuck there (can't place building to come to the other side of the water), and it's just an instant lose if you play against a good player (Yeah, you can start building right, till the end of the map, then down...). (There is a solution by the way: silos add 3 block to building area to left and right, but only two to up ad down. Therefore you can "escape" easily from the left-bottom of the map, but you can't at the left-top of the map.)

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