Game frozen

Issue #98 new
Emphus created an issue

Se attached picture. I can't ses any problem, i think somebody's client was frozen, and a server was keep syncing, and the game stuck. I close it after 10-15 sec.

Comments (2)

  1. Storm92

    nearly same problem. start fighting with small army game freez for one player, other automatically wins. Win XP (Firefox) freezes, Win 8 (Firefox) wins.

    no reason visible.

    Edit.: Game always freezes after an unstable amount of time. no fight or army necessary. after waiting some minutes a message apears (sometimes) saying that the connection is lost or to many players are online (just we two are online as far as i can see in the lobby) still can command units and they replie with "yes sir" but dont move. can start building and it gehts grey, but didnt continue building.

    i think its maybe a server disconnect. always have latency of 100-150 ms (Germany).

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