Not all files are visible in a really huge archive

Issue #34 closed
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 34

The following information might be useful to resolve a problem:
1. steps to reproduce problem
I have an archive with lots of small files. About 1.6 million of files divided into
subdirectories of around 60 thousand. I am able to view and access all the files via
unzip -l, or utilities like file-roller and midnight commander (although it takes a
couple of minutes). When mounting via fuse-zip I see only first two subdirectories
- first one with all the files in it and second one only with first few files.

2. unzip -t or attach archived file to bug report (only
for small files)
No errors detected in compressed data of /media/external/

3. grep fuse-zip /var/log/user.log
grep: /var/log/user.log: No such file or directory

4. versions of libfuse, libzip
fuse-libs 2.8.3-4.el6
libzip 0.9-3.1.el6

5. uname -a
Linux test 2.6.32-272.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 15 16:25:49 EDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64
x86_64 GNU/Linux

Reported by cz.pojir on 2012-05-27 21:19:39

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Currently zip64 (needed for reading archives with many files) is not supported by libzip. So fuse-zip does not supports that archives.

    Wait until bug 30 is fixed. ```

    Reported by `alexander.galanin` on 2012-05-28 18:37:39 - Blocked on: #0

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Reported by alexander.galanin on 2012-10-10 13:06:10 - Labels added: Milestone-0.3 - Blocked on: #30 - No longer blocked on: #30

  3. Former user Account Deleted
    Fixed in 0.3.0

    Reported by alexander.galanin on 2013-06-29 05:30:43 - Status changed: Fixed

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