Android support

Issue #65 wontfix
Super-intelligent Shade of the Color Blue created an issue

Any idea if this will compile and work on the Android platform?

Working on an app and instead of implementing ZIP file processing, it would be very convenient to be able to mount the archive as regular user and access the files.

Comments (3)

  1. Super-intelligent Shade of the Color Blue reporter

    I was able to compile libzip for Android (they support it OOTB) and was in the process of doing so for libfuse (from here).

    But after a bit of digging around it turns out /dev/fuse on Android is crw------- 1 root root , so not accessible by a regular user/app.

    Seems like a dead-end. What do you think?

  2. Alexander Galanin repo owner

    Yes, this is a dead-end. We’re unable to run FUSE-based file system without FUSE available for the application.

    Let's get back to this issue when Android FUSE driver becomes available for 3rd party developers.

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