Some code segfaults on compiling.

Issue #11 resolved
magnetophon created an issue

The exact error is:

/nix/store/b3jajrfg8hyy0nz7m22fdri9wb2w1jbm-faust2lv2-2016-07-19/bin/.faust2lv2-wrapped: line 363:  9414 Segmentation fault      "$tmpdir/$clsname" > "$tmpdir/$lv2name/$clsname.ttl"

Steps to reproduce:

git clone
cd faustCompressors
faust2lv2 -time -double -vec -gui RMS_FBcompressor_peak_limiter.dsp

Compiles just fine. Then do:

sed -i "s|15|16|" "compressors.lib"
faust2lv2 -time -double -vec -gui RMS_FBcompressor_peak_limiter.dsp

and get the error. The sed line only affects this line.

Another affected dsp is RhythmDelay. Same error.

Comments (6)

  1. magnetophon reporter

    It's just faust2lv2, adapted to NixOS. For context, in case the NixOS adaptions have changed line numbers, here's line 358 till 363:

    # This compiles the plugin to an executable which is run to generate the
    # plugin-specific part of the manifest.
    $CXX $CXXFLAGS -DDLLEXT="\"$dllext\"" $FAUSTTOOLSFLAGS $CPPFLAGS "$tmpdir/$cppname" -o "$tmpdir/$clsname" || exit 1
    "$tmpdir/$clsname" > "$tmpdir/$lv2name/$clsname.ttl"
    rm -f "$tmpdir/$clsname"
  2. Albert Graef repo owner

    Ok, I can reproduce the error. Not sure what's happening there, will have a look asap.

  3. Albert Graef repo owner

    Compiles fine with the latest Faust (2.0.a58) for me, also runs fine in Ardour, so whatever the issue was, it seems to be fixed upstream.

  4. Albert Graef repo owner

    @magnetophon, if this issue still persists for you, feel free to reopen it, but at least the test witness you provided here works all right for me now, even with rmsMaxSize = 2:pow(19).

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